digitraining: dissemination events and sustainability of the project

The Digitraining project was presented to around thirty participants representing the associative world on February 7 during the Blabl’Asso meeting organized by the Maison des Associations de Marseille Flyers were also posted and mailed in four hundred copies to the target audiences of the operation (social partners, community project leaders, teachers and the general public) … Continue reading digitraining: dissemination events and sustainability of the project

digitraining: dissemination events and sustainability of the project

​​phandi : photography and language (tutorial 06)

​​   This method uses collections of photographs pre-selected according to the target audiences and with a strong symbolic charge. Purpose :  This mediation is very effective in circulating the word in a group. It is an approach that is ideally suited for people suffering from depressive, anxiety-provoking disorders, panic attacks, lack of self-confidence, psychosomatic … Continue reading ​​phandi : photography and language (tutorial 06)

​​phandi : photography and language (tutorial 06)

phandi : revival with active music (tutorial 25)

Purpose: gaining self-confidence with an intermediary, providing the expression of feelings, expressing oneself Duration: 40-50 MINUTES Materials: Pages with any instrument, microphone and lyrics or notes Participants: Anyone over 18, any number. Rule: In active therapy, the participant is asked to make music themselves. In this sense, the process is carried out together with the … Continue reading phandi : revival with active music (tutorial 25)

phandi : call for participation partners meeting in Marseille!

The PHANDI (Perform HANdicap Digital Inclusion) project aims to create and test an easy-to-access psychological first aid kit for actors (not health professionals) likely to offer initial support and guidance to people in a situation of psychological suffering. This kit will consist of : a general introduction specifying the principles of an initial psychological intake … Continue reading phandi : call for participation partners meeting in Marseille!

phandi : call for participation partners meeting in Marseille!

enough for everyone : partner meeting in Berlin

After usual ice breakers and individual crossed presentation, each participant of EEE project introduced his national structure, upon birth, aim, membership and possible future topics (October 2012). This gave this opportunity to compare four quite different collective practices, whom it’s possible to classify upon nature of relationship between members, and specific place it’s anchored in. … Continue reading enough for everyone : partner meeting in Berlin

enough for everyone : partner meeting in Berlin