phandi : mask therapy (tutorial 27)


  • Duration: Up to 1-1.5 hours.
  • Materials:
    • Ready-made mask or self-drying ceramic paste
    • Colored marker pens
    • Colored paints
    • Brush
    • Water and container
    • Glue
    • Scissors
    • A variety of materials of personal preference; feathers, stones, buttons, cotton, pieces of fabric, colored papers, thread, beads, seashells, dry leaves, etc.
  • Participants: Anyone over 18, any number.


– Participants in the group can choose their materials arbitrarily and use different materials at hand.

– There is no material limit.

– A more efficient work is achieved by making a personalized mask with ceramic paste instead of using ready-made masks from the group.

– The expert begins making masks by informing all group members that the masks they will make do not have to resemble anything specific, but should be unique to each individual.

At the end of 1 hour, everyone shares about the product they have made, detailing what it means.

– Other people in the group provide positive feedback on the masks made.


Participants express their feelings and emotions by listening to their inner voice and allowing themselves to flow in the moment while creating a mask away from external factors.

While the mask may physically represent one’s own self, it is also utilized as a tool to both conceal and reveal aspects of oneself as desired. Through the mask, individuals can express emotions such as anger, sadness, anxiety, or violence without speaking, merely by showing, and can choose to either reveal or conceal themselves.

Mask making is one of the most commonly utilized methods among expressionist art therapy techniques.

Autor : BOSEF